Saturday, March 28, 2020

Tennis Tutor Model 3

Tennis Tutor Model 3If you are in the market for a tennis tutor model 3, there are a number of things that you will want to take into consideration. Let's look at a few of these issues, but don't just get excited with any one of them, keep reading and we'll examine a few other factors.It is important to understand that there are several different models of tennis tutor model 3. You will find some that use the touch screen, others that use a stylus or other gadget, and some that make use of some sort of machine to teach the game. The idea here is that all models have the ability to teach the game, but they differ in how you can do it.As you probably know, the first thing that you need to consider is what TV they use, and whether or not it has a cable or satellite connection. Most models will, if they do not have a satellite connection, have their own cable or satellite service, and if they do, then there is no need to worry about having to pay an extra cable or satellite bill just to use the television.On top of this, you will also need to decide whether you want an HD or LCD television that will be found in your model. This may seem like an obvious point, but there are some models that do not have any screen size options so be sure to check the specifications before purchasing the tennis tutor model 3.Another point that you will want to consider is the model of the sound system, as well as the amount of volume. Make sure that you can monitor the sound levels through your TV or other output device before purchasing.You will also want to consider other options such as a color keyboard, other multimedia devices, and any additional accessories that are available. Sometimes all of these items will be included, but if you get more than one of them, you may want to look for additional extras such as extra screen size, or additional sound features.Once you have determined which model you want, be sure to shop around. There are many sites on the internet that will allow you to compare models, and this can help you make the best decision possible.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings ~ Stephen Richards, about Self-Belief

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings ~ Stephen Richards, about Self-Belief When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything. Stephen Richards, also known as The Golden Pen, is an author of over 70 books writing in the true crime and the self-help genres. He concentrates on writing in the mind, body and spirit subjects.    He has his unique style of writing which is in the fact that he writes Without Fear or Favour.  The most known books by Stephen Richards are The Cosmic Ordering Guide:  where dreams can become reality  and the co-authored book of Solitary Fitness. As well as heading his own publishing house, Mirage Publishing,  Stephen Richards  has also worked on TV and radio. His  TV credits include: Panorama, Trevor McDonald’s Tonight programme, Real Lives, BBC TV (and BBC TV digital Horizon channel), BBC and independent radio, Channel 4, Channel 5 TV and Independent TV. Stephen Richards  professional background is in clinical hypnotherapy and stress counselling.  He was a member of BACs (British Association of Counsellors) Disaster Team,  was affiliated to their Family Sexual Division, Disaster Team and was also a Students Stress Counsellor. Stephen Richards is now the head of  the  Association of Cosmic Ordering Practitioners and  a member of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists).

What My Arabic Lessons With italki Look Like After 6 Weeks

What My Arabic Lessons With italki Look Like After 6 Weeks One of our italki Language Challengers,  Anil Polat runs a self-travel blog called foXnoMad.  Hes been taking sessions even before the Challenge and is already at 6 weeks where he began Arabic with absolutely no ability.  For our Challengers, this is something that you can expect after you complete the Challenge!  He only did 19 hours so far (at 6 weeks) but its pretty close.  Reprinted with permission. Original article here. By The Numbers: What My Arabic Lessons With italki Look Like After 6 Weeks At the beginning of December, I began a 3 month project with the language learning site italki with the goal to be conversationally fluent in Arabic. Having now completed a third of the way, here are the raw numbers on my progress and what I’ve learned so far. 19: Number Of Course Hours I’m taking roughly 5 hours of lessons a week, once per weekday. (I’ve tried two hours sessions but after 60 minutes I begin to lose focus.) 100%: Percentage Of Arabic Script I Can Read And Write Although it was intimidating at first, I can comfortably read Arabic script as well as write by phonetically sounding out words. 2: Number Of Instructors I spent some time trying out several teachers to get an idea of styles as well as evaluate which might be the best fit for me personally. I eventually fell into a good routine with two particular instructors whose structured lesson plans I’m benefiting from greatly. 1910: italki Credits Used That would be the equivalent of about $190 for courses so far. Although every instructor sets their own rates, almost all seem to fall into the 120 italki credit (~$12 USD) range. Here’s a bit more on how italki works  exactly. At Least 100: Words Learned This one’s hard to quantify but it has to be at least one hundred, not including various common phrases as well. Where I’m At Right Now At this point I can conjugate verbs in the past tense from memory and know many of these essential travel word combinations. In a relatively short time, I’ve picked up the structure of Arabic: the rules and grammar which make the language work. Early on I wasn’t sure if laying down this foundation first (prior to speaking skills) would be efficient but the thorough italki instructors have proved me otherwise. I’ll keep you updated with my weekly progress. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below about the italki process, specifics of what I’m learning, or any tips you might have to make me a better student! What My Arabic Lessons With italki Look Like After 6 Weeks One of our italki Language Challengers,  Anil Polat runs a self-travel blog called foXnoMad.  Hes been taking sessions even before the Challenge and is already at 6 weeks where he began Arabic with absolutely no ability.  For our Challengers, this is something that you can expect after you complete the Challenge!  He only did 19 hours so far (at 6 weeks) but its pretty close.  Reprinted with permission. Original article here. By The Numbers: What My Arabic Lessons With italki Look Like After 6 Weeks At the beginning of December, I began a 3 month project with the language learning site italki with the goal to be conversationally fluent in Arabic. Having now completed a third of the way, here are the raw numbers on my progress and what I’ve learned so far. 19: Number Of Course Hours I’m taking roughly 5 hours of lessons a week, once per weekday. (I’ve tried two hours sessions but after 60 minutes I begin to lose focus.) 100%: Percentage Of Arabic Script I Can Read And Write Although it was intimidating at first, I can comfortably read Arabic script as well as write by phonetically sounding out words. 2: Number Of Instructors I spent some time trying out several teachers to get an idea of styles as well as evaluate which might be the best fit for me personally. I eventually fell into a good routine with two particular instructors whose structured lesson plans I’m benefiting from greatly. 1910: italki Credits Used That would be the equivalent of about $190 for courses so far. Although every instructor sets their own rates, almost all seem to fall into the 120 italki credit (~$12 USD) range. Here’s a bit more on how italki works  exactly. At Least 100: Words Learned This one’s hard to quantify but it has to be at least one hundred, not including various common phrases as well. Where I’m At Right Now At this point I can conjugate verbs in the past tense from memory and know many of these essential travel word combinations. In a relatively short time, I’ve picked up the structure of Arabic: the rules and grammar which make the language work. Early on I wasn’t sure if laying down this foundation first (prior to speaking skills) would be efficient but the thorough italki instructors have proved me otherwise. I’ll keep you updated with my weekly progress. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below about the italki process, specifics of what I’m learning, or any tips you might have to make me a better student!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Irvine Tutoring 5 Tips for Success on a Literature Final Exam

Irvine Tutoring 5 Tips for Success on a Literature Final Exam Irvine English Tutoring: 5 Tips for Success on a Literature Final Exam Final exams are just around the corner, and most students are scrambling to complete all of their study and review so they can get the highest grade possible in their classes. Nearly every student will be enrolled in a literature class or a class that requires students to comprehend and analyze novels as part of the curriculum. There are several things students can work on to improve their technique when it comes to studying literature. For the most part, students can work on comprehension, annotation, reading efficiency, and identify key information. The most important thing for literature students to do is read the book. Theres no substitute for having first-hand knowledge of what happened in the story. 1. Annotation and note-taking Its important for students to develop their annotation and note-taking skills to prepare for a literature final. Although it would not be practical to annotate an entire book, there may be certain chapters or dialogue that requires a student to annotate. Additionally, students can benefit from taking summary notes at the end of each chapter or a specific shift or transition in the plot. Students can take notes regarding their observations of characters and their development or how they interact with the other characters in the novel. Whether the notes are made directly in the book or on a separate document, it’s ideal for students to review all of these before taking their final. 2. Plot review Students who have read several books throughout the year are encouraged to conduct a plot review, especially of the novels they read several months ago. It can be easy to forget plot points given the fact that students have been reading multiple books. Students can either refer to their notes or use a site such as SparkNotes or Cliffs Notes, which provides a convenient summary of nearly every book that will be assigned in a high school class. 3. Character analysis In addition to reviewing summary and plot, students are encouraged to take a look at character analysis. Who was the hero or protagonist? Who was the foil? Which characters were flat and which were complex? Character analysis could be especially difficult if the novel were written in a different vernacular or period where students have to concentrate on decoding the sentences before they can learn about the thoughts and feelings of the characters. Most final exams cover how characters change in the novel or how they interact with one another at some point. Even if a student feels completely confident that they understood the characters, its important to review the various inner monologs and interactions throughout the story (READ: Orange County Tutoring: How to Survive Finals Week). 4. Author bio and context Most students dont think about learning about the authors biography or the context of the time in which the book was written. However, nearly every author was influenced in some way by their personal surroundings and period. Additionally, their personal history and background may have influenced their work. Its a good idea to take a few minutes to learn about the authors biography as well as what was going on in the world when they were alive or when they were writing the novel. 5. Underlying themes and symbols Another good thing for students to study is the many underline symbols, motifs, and themes found within high school literature. Sometimes these symbols seem obvious once a student reads about them. However, they can be tricky to discern without help. Students can either work with their study group, their tutor or refer to an online study guide to pick out the various themes. For the most part, final exams will ask students to understand and analyze the devices authors used to elicit a specific response in the reader. Score high on your English final with the help of private Irvine English tutoring from TutorNerds. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Is a Free Math Tutor Online Worth It?

Is a Free Math Tutor Online Worth It?There are a lot of people who are already using a free math tutor online. For many, the ease and convenience of using this online tool can make it all the more worth the small amount of money that is needed to access the service. The other thing that makes it a very appealing option is that a tutor can be brought online at your own pace. With the freedom of choice, you can decide how long you would like to be tutored or whether you would prefer to be an online tutor for a few hours a day or for the whole week.There are plenty of math tutor sites that offer a free math tutor. These sites allow you to find the best tutor that fits your needs and helps you master math concepts. In fact, you can find the best online math tutor using just a simple Google search.Of course, the first step is finding a math tutor. When looking for a tutor, you have to first look through the site to find a reliable one. Once you find the math tutor that meets your standard s, you can begin taking part in the tutoring session. A good tutor would provide information that you need to master the topics that you want to learn.Some tutors offer a free help that offers tips and techniques to help you master your topic. On the other hand, some tutors charge money to bring you a tutor online. With the help of a good math tutor, you will certainly be able to pick up tips and techniques that you can use as a basic foundation to help you in the future.Another advantage of getting a math tutor online is that you can have a chat with your tutor and communicate with him. This is a great way to share your ideas and concerns. When chatting, you can also ask questions and have him help you solve problems.While some people are turned off by the fact that they have to pay for a math tutor, there are some advantages that a person can get from this online tool. With the internet as a medium, people are able to make contact with the tutor almost instantly. This allows them to find out how he or she does his or her job and thus, how they can benefit from the help.As you can see, finding a tutor online has many advantages. Besides, with a tutor online, you are able to access the online resource anytime that you feel like it. You can choose when you want to do your online homework and know that you are dealing with a person who knows what he or she is doing.

How Do You Find a Chemistry Tutor?

How Do You Find a Chemistry Tutor?So how do you get a Chemistry Tutor? To find the right tutor, you have to have a little knowledge about the course. Your tutor will be good if they are willing to teach you the course in a way that will teach you the concepts in a very short period of time and in a better way.Since Chemistry is an interesting subject, people are going for the tutors who will give them more than just the theoretical information. So finding the right tutor for your career is extremely important because they are the person who will guide you in your field of interest and at the same time they will be useful to you for your career.A good Chemistry tutor is not one who is talking too much about the subject but he or she is able to give you some practical knowledge. Also you have to think of what you want to learn. If you want to learn on a topic that is related to chemistry then a tutor will be perfect for you. The student would be using and understanding chemistry every day and the teacher will guide the student with the chemical formula and other things that are related to the subject.If you do not want to take any science class and want to learn about chemistry online then you can start with the research. There are different websites that offer the information and there are many references as well. You will also find many websites which are related to different topics like health and environment.When you look for a tutor, you will find some sites which offer their services for free. These sites are usually those which are not related to your field of interest. Before choosing a site you have to do some research so that you will know whether it is credible and reliable or not.At times there are sites which provide free language lessons but these may be very difficult to understand. So, for the purpose of better understanding of the subject you have to choose the site that is related to your field of interest. This can be some sites that offer some free tutorials on physics or chemistry.If you want to search on the Internet you can contact your school's counselor and ask for guidance from him. When you are selecting a tutor, you need to know some basic information about the website they are associated with. The website should contain information regarding the background, qualifications, experiences and the syllabus of the tutor you are looking for.

How to Record Music on a Mac

How to Record Music on a Mac The Apple Guide to Recording Music ChaptersHow to Record the Sound from Your GuitarThree Steps for Recording Music on Your MacRecording Guitar with Garage BandRecording Your Guitar with CubaseLogic Pro X for Recording Guitar on MacComposing Your Music with AbletonRecording Your Guitar with Reason for MacRecording Your Guitar with Pro Tools“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” - Aldous HuxleyMost people have streamed or listened to music online.  Most music nowadays is listened to online. Most people are familiar with Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud, or YouTube for listening to our favourite songs and discovering new ones.Whether you’re an amateur guitarist or a professional, you might be interested in recording software so that you can share and upload your composition onto these platforms.But how can you do it on a Mac?In this article, we're going to look at music making software, the best tools for music production, and which digital audio workstation (DAW) you should use for music creation and audio editing on your Mac.In another article, we will look at all of the great tools available online to advance your guitar playing... PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow to Record the Sound from Your GuitarThere are different ways to capture the sound from your guitar, but it’ll depend on the type of guitar you’re using:If you have an acoustic guitar, you’ll have to use a microphone (either a built-in mi crophone or an external microphone)If you have an electro-acoustic guitar or an electric guitar, you can use a microphone, plug your amp directly into your computer, or plug the jack into a pre-amp or external sound card.You can record your guitar with microphones. (Source: Pexels)You can also use a mini-recorder to plug your guitar directly into mini-recorder via the jack.  A mini-recorder is light, easy to transport, and can record onto devices such as SD cards. On the other hand, you can’t do multi-track recording.If you have the money, the best solution is to get quality recording equipment and set up your own home studio.  This obviously isn’t the most common method used as it’s expensive.  All this equipment can cost you around a grand and you’ll also need a powerful computer. Furthermore, most free programmes won’t be good enough for what you’re trying to do.You’ll also need to buy monitor speakers and you can expect to pay several hundred for them.  As you’ll have probably understood, if you’re just starting off and aren’t a professional, you probably don’t want to spend thousands of pounds on professional-grade recording equipment to record your guitar.Three Steps for Recording Music on Your MacTo record music onto your Mac, you can’t just plug your guitar into the computer. You need to take the following steps.With the right programmes, you can make some great music. (Source: Bru-nO)Open Your Recording and Editing SoftwareWe’ll have a look at some of the programmes for the Mac later on the article. However, no matter which programme you’re using, you’re going to have to open it and start a new project.Let’s take Logic Pro, for example. To record, you’re going to need to go to Audio and Create Audio Track.  Make sure you regularly save projects as you work on them.Choose the Input for Your Sound CardWe’re going to assume you’re using a sound card that provides quality audio recording.  If you don’t have one, don ’t worry. You’ll just need to ensure that your microphone is plugged in.When you record your guitar, you’re going to need to choose the input for the instrument on your sound card. Certain external sound cards allow you to choose the inputs via the touch of a button. Finally, connect your instrument.Set Up the Programme and Start RecordingAt this point, you’re almost ready to start recording. You just have to:Choose the right input on your programme.Choose the sampling frequencyAdjust the bufferActivate monitoring and start recording.You’ll then be able to listen to what you record.If the levels are too low, you want to change the levels on your sound card or input device rather than on the programme first. It’s the input you’ll need to alter.Of course, to record a guitar solo, you first need to learn how to play. So look up guitar lessons London or Cambridge today!How different are these instructions from those for recording music on a PC?Recording Guitar with Garage BandGarage Band is a complete suite for recording, mixing, and sharing music.You'll need a load of cables to connect all your audio equipment. (Source: qimono)To record sound, you’ll need to plug in your microphone or external sound card into your mac or use one of the virtual instruments via your keyboard or MIDI keyboard.  Once you’ve finished recording, you can edit the sound, add guitar effects, or create a hip-hop, dubstep, electro, or rock beat to your music.There are hundreds of loops and samples you can download to your Apple device.You can use 255 different tracks. Of course, you use these to mix several instruments together, too.  You can then share your music on social networks or the Apple Music Connect platform.As with most things on Mac, the interface is clean and intuitive. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsRecording Your Guitar with CubaseWhen it comes to Computer Music, Cubase has all the functionality you can ask for and modules that meet the demands of professional musicians.Sharing your music is much easier now than it was in the past. (Source: Pexels)You can compose music on your electro-acoustic guitar, record via an amp, and edit and mix your own songs.  You can save your melodies and tracks with MIDI sequencing, too. This can be used to record, edit, and play music using the MIDI interface.There are also plenty of VST plugins available as well as MIDI plugins and virtual instruments. Cubase isn’t just for professionals as there are several versions: Elements for beginners, Artists for bands, and the top-of-the-range suite for professionals.Prices start at around £80.Logic Pro X for Recording Guitar on MacLogic Pro X is for professional guitarists rather than amateurs. You can create songs, edit them, and mix them.  There are 250 audio tracks available so whether you’re into Gibson or are a Fender fan, you can record to your heart’s content.There are over 3,000 sounds, 1,800 audio patches, and 3,600 loops available.  The tool can also use MIDI files if you want.You can save a lot of time when it comes to mixing.  Logic Pro X is aimed at the general public and has an easy-to-use interface making it great for beginners.You might try it out by recording some of these charming, easy to play French songs...Composing Your Music with AbletonThis programme is designed with live recording in mind.  There are two interfaces which you can use across two screens: a Session view for managing your sets and a Arrangements view for recording live scenes, adding effects, modules, and plugins.There are a number of virtual instruments available and quality samples that you can add to your audio creations.There are three versions available: Intro for beginners, Standard, and Suite, for the advanced users. Each version has gigabytes of sounds. You can also try a free version for 30 days.Recording Your Guitar with Reason for MacThis programme is designed for live performances.  It’s different from other programmes as it offers an interface with an instrument rack and MIDI effects. You can’t use external plugins for equalisation and sequencing.With Reason, you can record and edit your own raw files and mix them with a mixing deck and several racks (samplers, sequencers, arpeggiators, equalisers, vocoders, etc.).It’s better to have several screens to use this tool as there are three main windows you’ll need to use with a MIDI keyboard.The programme is a b it confusing at first but it has a lot of potential  and you can personalise it to your heart’s content. That said, the trial version is really limited and you’ll be expected to a few hundred for the professional version of the programme.Recording Your Guitar with Pro ToolsOften seen as the must-have programme for Computer Music, Pro Tools allows you to record, edit, and mix music in the same way as the other programmes in this list.There are plenty of options for helping you make your own unique guitar creations.You can adjust the tempo, add instruments like the clarinet, trumpet, or saxophone.  Let your imagination run wild with this easy-to-use programme.So which music software are you going to use to start recording your own guitar music?Don't forget that if you're working on PC, you can also use software such as FL Studio, Ableton Live, or Magix, for example. Whether you're looking for a drum machine, wanting to make music with music production software, or are interested i n using a MIDI controller for mixing and mastering music, you're spoilt for choice!If you want to get better at the guitar before you start recording, you should check out some of the tutors on Superprof. You can search for what you want to learn and by where you live.  Most tutors offer free tutoring for the first hour, so try a few out and see who you like!If, for some reason, you can't find any suitable guitar tutors in your local area, don't forget that you can always opt for online private tutorials via webcam using a programme like Skype. This is a useful solution for those who live remotely or have awkward schedules as you just need to have a computer with a decent webcam, microphone, and a good internet connection. Additionally, they tend to be cheaper than other private tutorials as your tutor doesn't need to factor travel costs into their rates!Now explore the wonderful world of online tuner utilities for your guitar's best sound!

5 Ways High Schoolers Can Wrap Up the School Year Right

5 Ways High Schoolers Can Wrap Up the School Year Right With summertime in the air, the last semester of the year can be the most exciting: theres warmer weather, end-of-the-year celebrations, and often lighter, more creative final projects. For this reason, its often the busiest time of year. Despite all the craziness, here are five ways you can wrap up the school year right. 1. Make the most of your classes Its easy to start slacking off this time of year. To wrap up your year right, though, youll want to keep going strong until the end. Grades often depend on final exams or projects, so you dont want to loosen up earlier in the semester only to scramble, or to have your grade suffer, in the last few weeks. Some teachers account for this by assigning more hands-on or creative projects; take advantage of those that are offered! In any case, stay on top of important dates, including final exams, project due dates, presentations, and/or AP exams by marking them clearly in your planner or phone. Break down larger assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks, and be sure to plan your schoolwork around any other extracurriculars. 2. Set up summer plans Depending on your school or community, theres often a lot of pressure around how summer is spent. The downside to this is that you can start comparing yourself to others, especially if you dont have a fruitful job or prestigious internship lined up. The upside to this, however, is that it can serve as motivation for finding summer plans that best suit you. Is it a job or an internship? Are there summer programs that would deepen your skills or interests? Is there a camp youd like to attend, or a test to start studying for? Dont forget to consider traveling or taking on a personal creative project. There are many ways you can make summer memorable and productive, and it doesnt have to be the typical 9-5 internship. Counselors, teachers, and other community members can have great resources and contacts for these types of activities. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew When Graduating High School] 3. Schedule next years classes Some schools allow you to sign up for classes during your spring semester, while others may have you sign up in the fall. Regardless, now is a great time to speak with your guidance counselor or academic counselor about what classes are required for you to graduate, and which you can take as an elective. Scheduling out your classes noweven if you dont have to formally sign upcan help you plan out your summer also. You might find out theres a course you want to take over the summer or a subject youd like to be tutored in over the summer. Or, you may just want to take out a few books from the library or do some online research to stay fresh in a subject over the summer. 4. Enjoy end-of-the-year activities There are so many ways schools celebrate the end of the year, including banquets or dinners for clubs and teams, class gatherings, field trips, and of course, prom. If youre an introvert who may wish to shy away from some of these things, take a moment to select which activities will be most meaningful to you and your friends. If youre more of an extrovert, on the other hand, who would like to be sure to make it to all of these occurrences and more, take the time to carve out space in your schedule to ensure you dont miss these things (in addition to other important commitments related to academics or perhaps finding a job). Now is a great time to push yourself, in terms of your own personal standards, to enjoy end-of-the-year activities. Dont feel any pressure, however; pick the events that are right for you! 5. Thank your teachers, counselors, and/or coaches Take the time to thank your teachers, counselors, coaches, and any other school professionals in a way that feels most comfortable for you: verbally, with a card, with a small gift (handmade gifts are great, as well as baked goods, small mementos, or gift certificates), etc. You may even choose to go in with friends or with the whole class to put together a gift or small celebration for one of your favorite teachers. If you particularly liked a certain book or assignment you did in class, tell your teacher specifically; he or she will really appreciate the kind feedback! Its also a great way to start building a rapport with someone who will more than likely be able to write you a college recommendation letter in the future, act as a job reference, or simply be a great mentor in your life. As both summertime and end-of-the-year tasks approach, keep in mind the above ideas to wrap up the school year right. Make sure that whatever you do helps you appreciate the end of the year not only academically, but personally as well.

A Guide for Learning Arabic Quickly

A Guide for Learning Arabic Quickly Tips to Learn Arabic Fast ChaptersHow to Learn Arabic: The BasicsDevelop Your Knowledge of the Arabic LanguageMaintain your Linguistic ProficiencyTravel to an Arab Country to Learn Arabic Faster!Don't Want to Go Abroad? Opt for an Intensive Arabic Language CourseTricks to Learn Arabic QuickerSo How Long Does It Take to Learn Arabic?Arabic is one of the most important languages in the world today.Indeed, nearly 300 million Arabic speakers practice it everyday in a region that spreads across various countries and continents around the globe.Arabic is one of the 10 most widely spoken languages in the world.Naturally you want to learn Arabic in the fastest way possible, right?Superprof wants to help you succeed in this daring goal. Before you start, you should know the Arabic language is very different from English, both in its form and structure.The Arabic alphabet is completely different to the one used in the main European languages of French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. This makes the Arabic script unlike anything native English speakers will be used to.What's more, Arabic differs between different countries in the Middle East and North Africa.Each country has it's own specific dialect which means that some of the Arabic words, phrases and expressions used will be different depending on which country you are in.To make this even more complicated, there are two different forms for written Arabic. One is called Modern Standard Arabic, and the other, Classical Arabic.Luckily the difference between these last two is very small and most Arabic speakers use them almost interchangeably.Speak ArabicIt is not only important to memorize Arabic vocabulary, but to read Arabic texts as well. You have to hear yourself speak it, and keep practising pronunciation.Immerse yourself in the culture with native speakers. This can be at a coffee shop, a bar, a library, or even when you have a direct conversation with shopkeepers when abroad.Join a Discussion ForumThe internet is full of forums and places to discuss the Arabic language. It is also a great opportunity to discover associations or workshops offering Arabic student meet-ups around you.Visit a Cultural CenterIn most major cities, there is at least one Arabic cultural center.Don't hesitate to venture there in order to discover the new language or deepen your knowledge of Arabic.Open your eyes to the fascinating world of Arabic cultureAs you can see, there is not just one single method, but several different ways to learn Arabic quickly.There's no age to learn Arabic. Although adults will have less of an advantage, teaching young children Arabic is effective because of their sense of observation and adaptation to new linguistic contexts are not as strong as those aged 0-9. But don't let that discourage you!Learning Arabic alone is certainly not an easy task: the specificities of this language require the presence of an Arabic tutor, or at least someone who knows and speaks the language perfectly.Learning it on your own may cause you to pick up bad habits with regards to grammatical structures or pronunciation.Immerse yourself in Arabic culture: cooking, museums, literature, music...All these domains will bring you further into your journey in order to speak Arabic better,If you have friends who speak Arabic, have fun practicing with them. They will help you to perfect your language skills.If you want to learn a language quickly, you have to be passionate not only about the linguistics, but the whole new world opening itself up to you!Tricks to Learn Arabic QuickerAre you a beginner?Do you need a method in order to learn the Arabic language ASAP?Arabic for Dummies is not a miracle solution. You shouldn't delude yourself: correct Arabic pronunciation requires time and practice. However, some logical tips will help you to approach learning a new language in a positive way.One of the keys to success is seeing the glass as being half full. Do not focus only on what you have left to learn, but look at ever ything you've already learned.One foot in front of the other and you'll get there eventually. Never give up on your Arabic language learning!So How Long Does It Take to Learn Arabic?Everyone learns languages at different rates. Some people will pick up the Arabic alphabet quicker than others, which others will excel in learning Arabic words and phrases.It is therefore difficult to say how long it takes to learn Arabic, due to the differences in skills, the ability to learn and the motivation of each person. However, the U.S Foreign Service Institute suggests it takes about 2,200 hours to learn Arabic.What is for sure, you want to learn Arabic as quickly as possible.So to finish up this article, here are some bonus tips for learning Arabic quickly:Be motivated and above all, stay motivated! In preparation for learning Arabic, we always have good resolutions. But to achieve our goals, it's important to be constant and not lose our initial motivation. Find goals that will move you forw ard and keep you challenged.Do not try to learn everything at once: if your goal is to fend for yourself during a trip for example, concentrate on phonetics to learn Arabic daily life vocabulary and phrases...the things you'll need! Then, you can improve your language level by learning to write and read Arabic: start by learning the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet and the 3 variants of each letter!Learn 500 words of vocabulary: once this is over, everything is possible. You will immediately feel like you can finish your learning, and improve your grammar and conjugation...Listen, listen and listen again: learning a new language means familiarizing yourself with new sounds and a different pronunciation...Listen, repeat, listen again, until you are comfortable with the pronunciation of a new Arabic sentence.Once you have acquired the basics, you will enjoy deepening your knowledge at your own pace. The beginning is always pleasant, but when you give yourself the means to progress an d discover the secrets of the Arabic alphabet, Arabic writing, Arabic reading, and learning the Quran's Arabic, you will feel a real sense of accomplishment.